February 02, 2025



我要是真的沒錢了還有救嗎? 債清條例中的「清算程序」可以達成跟破產相同的效果嗎? 類似但不一樣「清算程序」是指將債務人的財產全部拿出來變現,由法院或管理人分配給全體債權人,清算完畢後,並非當然免責,必須法院裁定免責後,債務人才能免除其他債務.


若有重大信用瑕疵如:停卡,清償,協商,催收,呆帳,破產,聯徵註記中等情況,是完全無法再貸任何信用貸款了. 如果符合資金需求,也可以選擇機車貸款,手機貸款等擔保品小額借貸,要是手邊沒有汽機車,手機等擔保品,那政府動產質借處,抵押手邊其他物品也是一個可行方法.


1.欠錢不還詐欺罪 大家的迷思是,只要他騙我這樣就是詐欺罪,但在刑法上的詐欺罪並不是這麼簡單,必須要有幾個條件構成. ...
2.欠錢不還侵占罪 ...


找親朋好友借錢 ...
向銀行借款 ...
向民間借貸機構借款 ...
找工作或打工 ...
申請政府補助 ...
信用卡預借現金 ...
改掉不必要的花錢習慣 ...


若有重大信用瑕疵如:停卡,清償,協商,催收,呆帳,破產,聯徵註記中等情況,是完全無法再貸任何信用貸款了. 如果符合資金需求,也可以選擇機車貸款,手機貸款等擔保品小額借貸,要是手邊沒有汽機車,手機等擔保品,那政府動產質借處,抵押手邊其他物品也是一個可行方法.


信用不良會產生什麼後果? 無法申請信用卡或貸款: 信用不良最直接會產生的結果,就是無法與銀行再有任何相關的業務往來,包含申請信用卡或是貸款等等.




Q3.信用瑕疵有哪些方法可以恢復? 若想要消除信用瑕疵,必須準時繳款信用卡費,貸款準時還款,信用卡也不要任意停用,此外,若身上真的債務太多可以考慮債務整合,並且嘗試讓自己有穩定的工作收入,養成儲蓄習慣讓個人帳戶成為有效的財力證明,這些都是可以逐步讓自己的信用評分回升的方法.二手車臨時買賣合約


沒收入,沒財產可以辦理更生嗎? 沒收入無法辦理更生,因為更生方案無履行之可能,法院無法認可. 縱然聲請更生會轉入清算程序,但只要沒有不免責事由,會因為沒收入沒財產反而有免責的機會.




Posted by: coolday at 03:40 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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January 28, 2025



胃潰瘍可以吃水果嗎? 可以攝取甜度和酸度較低,好消化的水果,例如蘋果,香蕉,木瓜,火龍果,芒果,最好可以在飯後吃,以適量為主,不要吃到有飽足感為佳.


李婉萍營養師曾於個人部落格發文說明,假使潰瘍的傷口很微小,幾乎沒什麼症狀,或許是可以自行癒合的. 不過,在絕大多數的情況下,罹患胃潰瘍仍需要數週不等的時間來進行治療. 對於已經出現不適症狀的胃潰瘍,一般不必動手術就能治療並痊癒,但要是未經及時且正確的處置,將可能出現惡化,導致其他健康問題.


體重明顯下降的情況並不常見,但在不改變飲食量,不加強身體活動或不嘗試減肥的情況下,當體重在半年內減少5到10公斤,或是原來體重的5至10%時,便屬於不正常,此時體重減輕已成為問題.5 日前


針對您所提「胃潰瘍用藥」的情形,目前醫學上證實對胃潰瘍病情與症狀有效的藥物治療,最主要就是「質子幫浦抑制劑」,也就是醫師口中所說的PPI,此類藥物很多,台灣常用的包括:保衛康(Pantoloc),耐適恩(Nexium),百抑潰(Pariet),泰克胃通(Takeprone)等,只要符合健保用藥規定(通常都需要胃鏡下證實 ...the specialists surgery and endoscopy centre


加強營養應選用易消化,含足夠熱量,蛋白質和維生素豐富的食物. 如稀飯,細麪條,牛奶,軟米飯,豆漿,雞蛋,瘦肉,豆腐和豆製品;富含維生素A,B,C的食物,如新鮮蔬菜和水果等. 限制多渣食物應避免吃油煎,油炸食物以及含粗纖維較多的芹菜,韭菜,豆芽,火腿,臘肉,魚乾及各種粗糧.


減肥專科醫師邱正宏在指出,導致易胖體質的主因有兩個,一是消化力跟吸收力太好,容易將熱量堆積成脂肪,第二則是新陳代謝太差. 醫師說明,易胖體質的體型也分成兩大類,一種是「肌肉型」,另一種是「脂肪型」,肌肉型指的是「肌肉跟脂肪都會增加」,脂肪型增加的「全是脂肪」.




胃癌的切除範圍主要是依據腫瘤所在的位置高低來決定. 當腫瘤發生於胃的下半部時,需切除幽門側2/3的胃(次全胃切除),當腫瘤位於胃的上半部時,需行全胃切除.


胃潰瘍最普遍的徵狀是腹痛. 典型的情況是,在肚臍至胸骨之間的任何部位感到痛楚(俗稱「火燒心」),而痛楚可能在晚上空腹時加劇. 其他徵狀包括消化不良,胃灼熱,噁心和食慾不振. 病情嚴重者更可出現症狀如糞便呈黑色,吐血或咖啡色的嘔吐物,體重下降或上腹感到劇烈疼痛3.腱鞘囊腫自然消失方法


藥物的治療如使用氫離子幫浦阻斷劑大部份4-8周可改善,某些情況才需較長時間使用. 目前健保消化潰瘍藥物給付規定-一般情形以四個月為限,特殊狀況可較長使用.

Posted by: coolday at 01:43 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 39 words, total size 4 kb.

January 12, 2025

When should I prepare for Olympi...

When should I prepare for Olympiad?

Students who prepare for Olympiads must start their practice at the beginning of the year. Olympiad exams are usually conducted during November-December, so students who start early get to complete the syllabus well in time. It allows them to practice a variety of questions that may be asked in the annual Olympiads.

Why did NASA stop exploring the sea?

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) did not abruptly end its deep-sea research activities in 1978, contrary to posts shared online suggesting the space agency found something frightening in the depths and turned its focus that year to space travel as a means of escape.

Where is Wimo 2024?

WIMO 2024 will be in Shenzhen, China! See you all there! Qualified Countries: Indonesia Myanmar Hong Kong Vietnam Malaysia India Thailand Philippines.

Is Hong Kong good at math?

Hong Kong students excel in maths, science. HONG KONG – The overall performance of Hong Kong students far exceeded the international average in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2023, according to the city's Education Bureau.香港中學生比賽2024

Which Olympiad is the toughest?


The International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) is regarded as one of the five toughest International Science Olympiads. Established in 1989 by UNESCO, it tests participants' programming skills and their ability to solve complex algorithmic problems.

What skills do you need for math Olympiad?

Get better at solving tough problems : Math Olympiad questions need you to think creatively and use advanced problem-solving methods. Practice using techniques such as induction, contradiction, pigeonhole principle, and mathematical induction. Build up your skills to handle tricky problems with ease.

Is Hkimo multiple choice?

The test consists of sections on logical thinking, number theory, arithmetic/algebra, geometry, and combinatorics. Each section contains 10 multiple choice or short answer questions for the contestants to answer.

Is math olympiad hard?

Solving Math Olympiad problems often requires rigorous math concepts and detailed explanations. The participants in math olympiads are often top-tier students and selected through various competitive tests at national levels.

Where is the Hkimo Finals 2024?

AQUINO, Regional Director, in the HKIMO Finals 2024 this coming August 23 - 26, 2024 that will be onsite in HONG KONG, or online.

Which country is best in the math olympiad?

The following nations have achieved an all-members-gold IMO with a full team:
China, 15 times: in 1992, 1993, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2019, 2021, 2022 and 2023.
United States, 4 times: in 1994, 2011, 2016, and 2019.
South Korea, 3 times: in 2012, 2017, and 2019.
More items...hong kong math olympiad

Posted by: coolday at 11:28 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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November 29, 2024

Is angelica good for skin?

Is angelica good for skin?

Angelica root contains natural moisturizing properties, making it an excellent ingredient for dry and dehydrated skin. It helps to hydrate the skin by retaining moisture, preventing the skin from becoming dry and flaky.

Which country eats tea leaves?

MyanmarMyanmar fermented tea leaf is a common signature and national ancient food that is eaten by all people in the country, regardless of race or religion, at get-togethers in family homes, in monasteries, and in the traditional celebrations.

What is the least attractive prefecture in Japan?

IbarakiOften chosen as the country's least attractive prefecture, Ibaraki is located about two hours north of Tokyo on the edge of the Kanto plain.癌自然治癒

What is the herb angelica used for?

In traditional medicine, Angelica is used to help with blood circulation, strengthen the immune system, arthritis, menopause, coughs, asthma, lung problems and for minor wounds. It is often taken as a herbal tea but tinctures, extracts and essential oils are also made from all parts of the plant.

Do they speak French in Japan?

We have the following foreign languages in Japan today: English, German, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and French. If you get to Japan in the years to come, there is the likelihood that you might not find some of the languages of Japan mentioned above.

What is ashitaba used for?

Ashitaba, consumed in both fresh and dried forms, has traditionally been used to treat conditions such as heartburn, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, bowel retention, and food poisoning.


一,時間:113年1月1日至11月20日止. 二,對象:國軍全體官,士,生,兵及聘雇(文職)人員. 三,輔導機構:衛福部立案登記且完成簽約之心理諮商(治療)所,社會工作師事務所及身心(精神)科醫療院所,計116家(如附表).明日葉茶禁忌


3.豆漿 黃豆,不只富含鉀離子,更有利尿作用. 而富含的異黃酮,也可促進液體和電解質的排出,並且可增加腎絲球過濾率(腎臟過濾能力的指標,腎絲球過濾率越低代表腎臟功能越差). 依據臨床實驗指出,豆漿有助於降低輕度至中度原發性高血壓患者的血壓.

What is the strongest natural caffeine?

Coffee 100-150 mg: On average, 1 cup of coffee (8 oz) will have about 90-100 mg of caffeine, whereas a big cup of coffee (12 oz) may have more than 150 mg of caffeine. ...
Espresso 65 mg: ...
Matcha Green Tea 40-135 mg: ...
Black Tea 47-90 mg: ...
Dark Chocolate 20-60 mg:


日本在2023年8月24日正式啓動福島核污水排海,並已完成三批次排放,前三批的累計排放量超過2.3萬噸. 日方公佈的第四批覈污水排放量仍爲7800噸左右. 也就是說,短短半年時間,將有超過3萬噸核污水流入太平洋.

Posted by: coolday at 10:09 AM | Comments (25) | Add Comment
Post contains 328 words, total size 3 kb.

November 15, 2024

Can I go from sales to operation...

Posted by: coolday at 10:24 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 7 words, total size 1 kb.

July 11, 2022

What is Durex Play?

What is Durex Play?

The Lubricants spread over the irregularities on the surface that makes the contact. So, the contact between the lubricant and the moving objects reduces the friction.

What are lubricants short answer?

The uses of Durex Play Massage Lubricant Gel are for massages and sexual purposes. This gel is highly effective in reducing friction during sexual intercourse. A big advantage of this gel is that it is non-greasy and non-sticky. Women can use this gel to reduce vaginal dryness.

What are lubricants in physics?

The lubricants are the substances which are used to reduce the friction which acts between two surfaces in contact, between which relative motion can occur.

Why do lubricants reduce friction?

The substances which are used to reduce friction between the two surfaces which are in close proximity with each other are called lubricants.

How do I use Durex extra time?

Oil, Lubricating Lubricating oils are composed of 80–90% petroleum hydrocarbon distillate with 10–20% additives to impart specific properties to the oil. The petroleum hydrocarbon distillate generally consists of paraffinic or naphthenic compounds, whose properties are listed in Table 1.

What is a massage lube?

As you may already know, lubricants are best applied to machine parts to provide smoother operation and to create a layer of protection against friction. The lubrication system provides a coating for metals, ensuring that it lasts longer and reduces downtime from breakdown and failure of components.

What is lubricant in Class 11?

If you put a liquid like oil between two solid gears, it will shift about and change its shape as much as it needs to, cushioning the microscopic bumps between the gears as they mesh together and reducing the friction between them.

What are lubricants in Class 10?

The base oil of the lubricant acts as a carrier to effectively deposit the additives where they are needed. As the additives make contact with the metal, they bond to the surface to form a sacrificial layer that prevents wear to the metal itself.

What is lubricant made of?

Flavored condoms are actually designed to be used during oral sex. The flavored coating helps mask the taste of latex and makes oral sex more enjoyable. More importantly, using condoms during oral sex is the only way to protect yourself against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

What are the advantages of lubricants?

Male condoms made from latex, polyisoprene, and polyurethane are your best protection against STIs spread by fluids.

Posted by: coolday at 10:51 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 413 words, total size 3 kb.

May 06, 2021

Girls want to quickly raise good skin, to do these 6 kinds of small things!

1: Early to bed and early to rise

Girls must usually pay attention to keep enough sleep time. Early to bed and early to rise, there Makeup skin care will be no dark circles under the eyes. Think about how painful it is to use various eye creams to lighten the dark circles. Sleeping too late at night will leave less ability to repair your skin and affect your skin condition.

2: Insist on removing your makeup

Only apply sunscreen work or vegan cream also want us to remember to remove makeup, long-term development of the past will cause large pores, and they may lead to the appearance of oil head, acne and other symptoms. Sleepy again also will be clean makeup remover oil, do not because of the belief that they will have a can not wash directly affect sleep also okay makeup removal products, big can try to see the skin problems will not smother acne.

3: Change the bedding cover frequently

Many girls are faced with acne, which is actually caused by not changing bedding for a long time. Not changing bedding for a long time will have many mites and lead to poor skin conditions. To improve, it is recommended that you must pay attention to the usual sunbathing and frequent replacement of bedding covers.

4: Regular exercise

Exercise is the best way to maintain. Usually you can choose some aerobic exercise, which can not only trim the body, but also promote metabolism. Even without skin care, the skin will be more elastic because of exercise.

5: Pay attention to the neck care

The skin of the neck is very thin and fragile, if the skin care of the neck is not in place, the whole society skin state information will affect to look old. And business because of the neck's ability to maintain moisture management awareness is not strong, so our skin aging problems if the first to start from the maintenance of the neck. If you want to maintain the student's own skin condition, then the usual time need to be sure to pay attention to the neck cleaning work and maintenance, can be through the appropriate use of the existence of some neck cream or neck film.

6:Wipe your face with tissues after washing your face

It is not recommended that girls wipe their faces after washing their faces, because they are in a dark and humid state for a long time, which may lead to more bacteria reproduction. When a girl washes her face, using a towel again may lead to secondary exposure to bacteria. This wiping of the face with a towel can greatly reduce the effectiveness of one's cleaning.

It is recommended that if a girl can do these 6 little things in her daily life, then good skin is easy to get, but be sure to stick to it!

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Want to know the secret to keeping your makeup fresh and clean? Makeup tips are here!

5 Schritte zum Abschminken, um Ihre Haut richtig zu pflegen!

How to scientific skin care in summer? These four steps, you'll understand!

How can we take care of our skin after summer to make it fresh, moist and non-greasy?

Posted by: coolday at 09:41 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 562 words, total size 4 kb.

April 14, 2021

What are the benefits of lavalier microphones?

one: It's got the operate of multi-channel use with out mutual interference.

The most significant complex bottleneck of using wireless lapel microphone is definitely the sign interference problem, particularly the greater frequently the sign is utilized, the greater significant the interference dilemma are going to be. As a result, applying numerous wireless microphones within the exact same spot to prevent interference, aside from the need to carefully choose and steer clear of bodily non-interference frequencies. On top of that to your interference from adjacent external alerts, the receiver must have very good selectivity, plus the transmitted and obtained radiation filtering is extremely cleanse to avoid mutual interference alerts. The final VHF band receiver can be utilized for twelve or so frequencies for the exact same time.

2: Pick out the multi-channel serial manner which can alter the frequency by way of digital lock

The standard wi-fi microphone method works by using the set frequency with the quartz lock. When a number of channels are wanted or potent signal interference is encountered, this frequency cannot be changed to any ideal frequency, and that means you will have to change the entire frequency. To solve this issue, superior equipment use phase-locked loops (phase-locked frequency synthesis) to store dozens of frequencies while in the transmitter and receiver, which allows consumers to change them at will. While this innovative layout is dear, It offers really handy functions for distribution and end users, and absolutely solves the above-mentioned shortcomings.

3. Choose products with electronic locking UHF channel method

As there is certainly not a great deal utilization of wireless microphones during the VHF200MHz frequency band, the investigate to the difficulty of mutual sign interference and sounds interference from many residence appliances has become far more and much more serious. Consequently, the frequency used by professional wi-fi microphone providers in China has gradually improved to 800MHz UHF frequency band, and adopts PLL period lock command circuit, preset multi-channel style and design that could be switched arbitrarily, avoiding interference from another alerts and typical electrical sounds, and reaching much better educating effects. Because the circuit design of UHF frequency band is much more complex, and the high frequency pieces utilised also are far more precise, our recent marketplace selling price is still significant, and there are actually number of mass-produced producers. Nonetheless, UHF types are definitely the very best choice for their qualified studying excellent. , Has step by step come to be a preferred development among students in the future.

4: Move high-quality certification and validate skilled products and solutions through telecommunications restrictions

Excellent wireless microphone merchandise must be generated in high-quality licensed factories, and will have to also be certified with the countrywide radio wave regulations ahead of they are able to be lawfully offered and made use of. Shoppers really should select qualified solutions to employ, and also the top quality is guaranteed.

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Worth the customer's selection of the microphone using these features !

Do you know the benefits of lavalier microphones? how you can choose?

The microphone using these capabilities is well worth the customer's preference!

Posted by: coolday at 08:13 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 522 words, total size 4 kb.

March 26, 2021

What are the classifications of X-ray equipment?

PCB x-ray inspection methods can be divided into two sets of groups. Units may be 2d or 3D and should be operated offline or on line. Put together x-ray equipment and other components in your SMT production line for more accurate performance. Get a free quote and improve your production today.These are generally defined in additional element down below:

second technique: A 2nd x-ray method displays the 2d images from each side of the PCB concurrently, creating a photograph with the board’s elements. This really is comparable to the normal thought of an x-ray being used to look at bone fractures. 2nd Methods can be operated possibly on the internet or offline.

3D procedure: A 3D x-ray process has a chance to produce 3D illustrations or photos of the PCB by build up a series of 2d cross-sections. This can be similar to how a CT scan performs from the health care business. 3D x-rays also perform using the laminography strategy, which mixes cross-sections to make up a particular section or region. The CT process can only be completed offline because of the complicated algorithms applied, when the laminography technique may be employed equally on the net and offline.

On the internet operation: Some x-ray units are made use of on line for information assortment and comparison needs. This tends to make it a lot easier to course of action huge quantities of advanced PCBs. Having said that, on the net functionality would make the x-ray device slower, which boosts expenses though reducing capacity.

Offline operation: All x-ray units might be operated offline to perform panel inspection and sampling inspection. Offline equipment are frequently quick to operate but become less cost-effective with greater portions of products.

Selecting the best technique to your procedure have to be thoroughly completed - choosing a 2nd or 3D system with on the web or offline abilities will depend on the amount of merchandise inspected, the specified inspection high-quality as well as the level of time readily available to finish the inspection method.

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Posted by: coolday at 09:59 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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March 11, 2021

What exactly is PCB X-ray Inspection?

We also contact it Automated X-ray inspection (AXI). These are special rays with impressive electromagnetic waves and intensely small wavelengths. The wavelength is way shorter than that of seen mild, much less than 10 nanometers.

What can make x-ray come across software within an industrial location may be the high penetrating electricity. An X-ray can penetrate a substance that noticeable light cannot detect.

A few of the houses of X-rays are:





Fluorescence, and so forth.

The penetrating influence of X-ray makes it valuable in PCB producing. Along with the penetrating influence, suppliers can use it to detect faults and various hidden options in concentrate on objects. Currently, many programs like health care, aerospace, industrial handle, high-quality assurance verify, etc. use X-rays.

PCB producers now use x-ray for inspection. They utilize it to obtain the standard of PCBs - a vital stage towards quality PCB manufacturing.

In electronics producing, we've got seen a wider use of CSP, QFN, flip chips, and so forth. Designers designed these components with scaled-down inductance, better cooling potential, and diminished surface location to satisfy design desires. Regardless that this met some layout desires, there's the trouble of inspection. The bare eye can neither judge the soldering excellent nor detect faults while in the layout.

The higher penetrating energy from the x-ray solves this challenge. Less than substantial strain, X-ray emits gentle which can penetrate the examination subject. This reveals a picture with many thickness and density. The image high quality assists clarify the standard of the joint.

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Rewards for Excellent Command and Inspection

Posted by: coolday at 06:08 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 269 words, total size 2 kb.

February 25, 2021

Collection requirements for Best SMT Decide and Put Machine

Evolution and choice of a decide on and put equipment smd is usually a quite advanced system that should do loads of investigation and home work to meet your manufacturing necessities.

Variety of Decide and Area Device is dependent upon your PCBA varieties and variety of areas to become placed, generation quantity requirements for current and foreseeable future enchantments and precision with repeatability.

Should you be intending to established up a new decide on and position machine for pcb assembly creation line it truly is recommended to make an in depth set of questionnaires of prepared creation prerequisites upfront.

pcb pick and place machine by SunzonTech is the perfect solution for assembling printed circuit boards with a large variety of components. Get a free quote now.

This will likely help to slender down your listing and assist to produce a invest in final decision for very best equipped acceptable gear assortment to satisfy your precise wants.

1. Part Placement Pace

The speed of elements contains a immediate effect on your generation volume. The position velocity in the device is calculated in ingredient per hour placement (CPH).

Part placement level impacted because of the board sizing, varieties of elements and feeders used. When the board measurement is higher and types of elements are high the position head will travel a lot more length due to that placement rate will lower.

The producer of decide and location device smd rated their products pace centered on IPC 9830 regular. But in the serious production scenario manufactures quoted pace derated by 30 to 40% that needs to be viewed as.

Quoted Rated Pace often reduce the particular speed so consider only 30 to 40%.

In advance of equipment collection Proposed Generation quantity needs for being analyzed with potential needs.

So ahead of choosing acceptable decide on and position device for pcb assembly you need to take into consideration the creation quantity to cater your present demands in addition to crucial to look at long run demands to satisfy precise wants.

two. Kind and Dimension of elements

Thinking about your creation wants, number of decide and place machine for pcb assembly also relies upon on the sort and dimensions of components you might be planning to place.

Every machine has their restrictions for dealing with the max min measurement and pounds of factors in accordance to equipment specifications.Such as tools wanted to put 0805, 1206 etcetera. loaded elements are various which can take care of 0402, 0603, BGA, CSP and also other odd shaped factors.

Device can handle bare minimum and greatest element dimension with precision.

Some components arrives in tubes and parts so just before spot device acquire purchase take into account these info likewise.

Machine eyesight technique can cope with the smaller and great pitch parts for the duration of place placement .

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Range conditions for Finest SMT Pick and Location Device

Posted by: coolday at 09:08 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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February 10, 2021

Which are the benefits of prototypes?

Iterate In a Reduced Cost

The collecting in the opinions of your possible prospects makes it possible to improve its offer until eventually the conception of an exceptional product.

Additionally it is advisable to make numerous prototypes prior to launching a mass output, as a way to steer clear of the additional costs of unsold and reprogramming the production line.

Simulate The actual Merchandise

One of the most crucial benefit of a prototype is that it simulates the true and long term product. It could possibly assistance appeal to shoppers to invest from the products just before allocating any methods wanted for implementation. You can examination the design’s correctness just before it will come into creation and you also can find style mistakes. Also, a prototype created readily available to your sample of users helps to understand beforehand how their solution interacts with all the merchandise and meets their anticipations.

As one of the best prototyping companies in China, we can help you complete the implementation of your own ideas, come and have a look at hemtom!

Offer Concentrated Opinions

Everyone has his possess eyesight in the item to get executed and, in principle, wants this eyesight to generally be present in the final merchandise. Exposure of your prototype assists to unify all thoughts and enables the beneficiaries to discover the solution from a unique viewpoint. It can help them to discover it materialized and also to give additional centered responses to the ideal aspects.

Opinions is critical to find out the requirements and expectations of people, organization necessities, plus a obvious idea of exactly where the item is heading.

Setting up

The teams that put into practice the look get essential information that helps them strategy what they should apply. A prototype might be regarded, most often the undertaking specification, and assists your entire staff to create person stories and focus on user needs. If this is finished in time, just before a Sprint commences, it is going to only deliver advantages on the Scrum teams.

Swift And easy To create

Even an item beneficiary may help produce a prototype. It truly is vital to supply a simple plan on paper making sure that the designer understands the features and logic in the product. This easy sketch, illustration with a several buttons for a site, are going to be remodeled by a qualified designer right into a ready-to-implement product or service.

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Why make a Prototype?

Posted by: coolday at 05:57 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 417 words, total size 3 kb.

January 29, 2021

Prerequisites for operation Atmosphere of automatic solder robotic

Prerequisites for operation Atmosphere of automatic solder robotic and matters needing awareness

1, the doing work environment of your solder robotic

Ought to be inside a well-ventilated, sanitary and fewer dusty location.

Storage setting Temperature: 0-50??, working place temperature: 5-40??, Workspace wettability: 30%-90% no condensation.

2, solder robot method ability offer and grounding Offer of electric power necessities: electronic handle method really should use DC24V DC ability offer.

And in accordance to the configuration of your solder equipment unique adjustment, the use of energy in between 0.1-0.2kw.

Get in touch with using the ground specifications: to forestall electrical machines these as insulation, overvoltage, leakage and various causes of electric shock activities or fire events, you will be the digital manage of trusted grounding.

Grounding resistance need to be light-weight rain one hundred ohms, wire duration need to be inside of 20 meters, traverse cross-sectional area of over one.0 square millimeters.

three, solder robot use safety measures

The automatic solder machine of SunzonTech is equipped with infrared mix heating system that increases the speed and uniformity of heating. Obtain a free quote.

Non-professionals usually do not allow the electrical method maintenance and commissioning, which is able to lessen the security general performance of kit, the expansion of the fault, significant people even brought on harm and house losses.

Solder robotic handle box all over keep in mind not to stack sundries, as well as in the whole process of using the require to consistently cleanse the manage box surface area and filter dust to keep the program good air flow, conducive to heat dissipation.

Warm idea: If you have to open the duvet in the chassis, has to be slash from the electrical power for five minutes as well as the expert guidance to allow usage of the electronic regulate box parts.

one, prohibit the equipment at perform, prohibit get hold of with any going sections or open manage gear, normally may well lead to personnel harm or lead to the machine cannot operate effectively.

two, the prohibition of electrical tools in moist, dust, corrosive gases, flammable and explosive gas web pages function, or may well induce electrical shock or hearth.

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Needs for operation Environment of automatic solder robotic and matters needing consideration

Posted by: coolday at 07:30 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 385 words, total size 3 kb.

January 12, 2021

NHMRC awards Griffith College $4.five million in exploration funding!

Important Griffith University research assignments have obtained $4.5 million in university research funding in the Nationwide Well being and Medical Exploration Council.

Declared on December fifteen with the Federal Minister for Health, The Honorable Greg Hunt MP, the seven Ideas Grants initiatives will lead to crucial overall health and medical study.

Deputy Vice Chancellor (Investigation) Professor Mario Pinto claimed the funding highlights the amazing operate performed through the University?researchers in addressing major societal wellbeing worries.

These jobs have the opportunity to produce an important big difference to people?overall health and wellbeing. I lengthen my congratulations and appreciation to all team who definitely have contributed to those endeavours.?

Greater than 50 % the funding for Griffith College was awarded to jobs inside the Institute for Glycomics, with four investigate tasks securing $2.56 million to discover a super vaccine that tackles both of those influenza virus and Team A Streptococcus microbes and also other vaccine progress jobs that tackle other clinically vital bacterial bacterial infections.

Institute Director Professor Mark von Itzstein AO reported the awards cemented the Institute?standing to be a foremost biomedical study institute.

Our institute is focussed on translational investigate outcomes that diagnose, stop and treat illnesses of world effect. These grants will considerably guide our researchers to provide on our mission to obtain a disease-free entire world.?

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Recurrent Grants Funding and Cash Grants Funding

Posted by: coolday at 10:51 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 238 words, total size 2 kb.

December 22, 2020












Posted by: coolday at 01:43 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 11, 2020





















Posted by: coolday at 09:22 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 20 words, total size 5 kb.

November 23, 2020
















Posted by: coolday at 10:11 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 15 words, total size 4 kb.

August 08, 2019









化裝前降低皮膚溫度是化妝師的常見伎倆。冷卻皮膚可以收縮毛孔,延緩皮脂腺的分泌,使其更容易補償地面。最輕便的要領是在冰箱裏放上一個清潔的毛巾,擰幹水後轉變冰敷於臉部,並輕輕在5 ~ 10分鍾。



clinique 好用其實還體現在封存上面,維他命C是見光很容易分解的,封存不透光就能夠保證維他命C原有的狀態,從而能夠具有更好的抗氧化作用。使用的時候只要將這兩層充分的融合在一起就可以了,這樣就能夠發揮出兩者最完美的效果。






clinique vitamin c產品如今是香港地區最受歡迎的品牌之一,clinique 好用是公認的。這個品牌自創之初就是為了能夠幫助愛美人士更好的改善肌膚問題,它是由皮膚科醫生創立的,要知道皮膚科醫生經常接待不同肌膚問題的患者,對於不同肌膚問題和不同膚質容易產生的肌膚問題十分的瞭解,因此能夠針對肌膚問題研發出來能夠同時解決很多肌膚問題的產品。







Posted by: coolday at 07:39 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 24, 2019





同事話有個胸圍 牌子矯形內衣+背心可以令身材好啲,著上身就已經即時見到效果,將周圍走嘅肉撥返去胸前,可以拉返直個背脊,而且可以升cup,男朋友都讚好睇啊,感情仲好過之前,原來有明星都推薦,都想買黎試下。

STYLE 2亮色包+亮鞋









原來一件矯形 內衣就可以改善副乳同飛機場問題,今次去Bodibra搵美體顧問幫我改善胸型,小背心嘅效果非常好,解決咗我嘅8字胸同副乳問題,連本來有少少寒背都冇埋,仲有方便餵奶嘅胸圍扣,方便餵母乳嘅媽媽們!








矯形功能 內衣bodibra超理想效果 big day升cup必睇







Posted by: coolday at 07:36 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 11, 2019



2、電視放置的距離 在看電視時,人的眼睛不僅要受到強光亮度的刺激,同時由於圖像的不斷閃動,眼睛容易疲勞。


CooperVision 隱形眼鏡屬較新近視控制的技術,有助減緩兒童近視加深。有臨床研究顯示,兒童配戴光學離焦隱形眼鏡後,平均能成功減慢近視加深的速度59%。更有25%使用三年兒童之後近視度數完全沒增加。












孩子遠視 父母不可大意

有些怙恃覺得兒童遠視眼 ,便是眼睛看得遠點,實在這是不全面的,從而造成治療的延誤。近視眼看遠模糊,看近更不清晰。然而,你可以調整光線遠視,使物體看起來清晰。

孩子遠視 父母不可大意











Posted by: coolday at 08:19 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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