January 28, 2025



胃潰瘍可以吃水果嗎? 可以攝取甜度和酸度較低,好消化的水果,例如蘋果,香蕉,木瓜,火龍果,芒果,最好可以在飯後吃,以適量為主,不要吃到有飽足感為佳.


李婉萍營養師曾於個人部落格發文說明,假使潰瘍的傷口很微小,幾乎沒什麼症狀,或許是可以自行癒合的. 不過,在絕大多數的情況下,罹患胃潰瘍仍需要數週不等的時間來進行治療. 對於已經出現不適症狀的胃潰瘍,一般不必動手術就能治療並痊癒,但要是未經及時且正確的處置,將可能出現惡化,導致其他健康問題.


體重明顯下降的情況並不常見,但在不改變飲食量,不加強身體活動或不嘗試減肥的情況下,當體重在半年內減少5到10公斤,或是原來體重的5至10%時,便屬於不正常,此時體重減輕已成為問題.5 日前


針對您所提「胃潰瘍用藥」的情形,目前醫學上證實對胃潰瘍病情與症狀有效的藥物治療,最主要就是「質子幫浦抑制劑」,也就是醫師口中所說的PPI,此類藥物很多,台灣常用的包括:保衛康(Pantoloc),耐適恩(Nexium),百抑潰(Pariet),泰克胃通(Takeprone)等,只要符合健保用藥規定(通常都需要胃鏡下證實 ...the specialists surgery and endoscopy centre


加強營養應選用易消化,含足夠熱量,蛋白質和維生素豐富的食物. 如稀飯,細麪條,牛奶,軟米飯,豆漿,雞蛋,瘦肉,豆腐和豆製品;富含維生素A,B,C的食物,如新鮮蔬菜和水果等. 限制多渣食物應避免吃油煎,油炸食物以及含粗纖維較多的芹菜,韭菜,豆芽,火腿,臘肉,魚乾及各種粗糧.


減肥專科醫師邱正宏在指出,導致易胖體質的主因有兩個,一是消化力跟吸收力太好,容易將熱量堆積成脂肪,第二則是新陳代謝太差. 醫師說明,易胖體質的體型也分成兩大類,一種是「肌肉型」,另一種是「脂肪型」,肌肉型指的是「肌肉跟脂肪都會增加」,脂肪型增加的「全是脂肪」.




胃癌的切除範圍主要是依據腫瘤所在的位置高低來決定. 當腫瘤發生於胃的下半部時,需切除幽門側2/3的胃(次全胃切除),當腫瘤位於胃的上半部時,需行全胃切除.


胃潰瘍最普遍的徵狀是腹痛. 典型的情況是,在肚臍至胸骨之間的任何部位感到痛楚(俗稱「火燒心」),而痛楚可能在晚上空腹時加劇. 其他徵狀包括消化不良,胃灼熱,噁心和食慾不振. 病情嚴重者更可出現症狀如糞便呈黑色,吐血或咖啡色的嘔吐物,體重下降或上腹感到劇烈疼痛3.腱鞘囊腫自然消失方法


藥物的治療如使用氫離子幫浦阻斷劑大部份4-8周可改善,某些情況才需較長時間使用. 目前健保消化潰瘍藥物給付規定-一般情形以四個月為限,特殊狀況可較長使用.

Posted by: coolday at 01:43 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 39 words, total size 4 kb.

January 12, 2025

When should I prepare for Olympi...

When should I prepare for Olympiad?

Students who prepare for Olympiads must start their practice at the beginning of the year. Olympiad exams are usually conducted during November-December, so students who start early get to complete the syllabus well in time. It allows them to practice a variety of questions that may be asked in the annual Olympiads.

Why did NASA stop exploring the sea?

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) did not abruptly end its deep-sea research activities in 1978, contrary to posts shared online suggesting the space agency found something frightening in the depths and turned its focus that year to space travel as a means of escape.

Where is Wimo 2024?

WIMO 2024 will be in Shenzhen, China! See you all there! Qualified Countries: Indonesia Myanmar Hong Kong Vietnam Malaysia India Thailand Philippines.

Is Hong Kong good at math?

Hong Kong students excel in maths, science. HONG KONG – The overall performance of Hong Kong students far exceeded the international average in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2023, according to the city's Education Bureau.香港中學生比賽2024

Which Olympiad is the toughest?


The International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) is regarded as one of the five toughest International Science Olympiads. Established in 1989 by UNESCO, it tests participants' programming skills and their ability to solve complex algorithmic problems.

What skills do you need for math Olympiad?

Get better at solving tough problems : Math Olympiad questions need you to think creatively and use advanced problem-solving methods. Practice using techniques such as induction, contradiction, pigeonhole principle, and mathematical induction. Build up your skills to handle tricky problems with ease.

Is Hkimo multiple choice?

The test consists of sections on logical thinking, number theory, arithmetic/algebra, geometry, and combinatorics. Each section contains 10 multiple choice or short answer questions for the contestants to answer.

Is math olympiad hard?

Solving Math Olympiad problems often requires rigorous math concepts and detailed explanations. The participants in math olympiads are often top-tier students and selected through various competitive tests at national levels.

Where is the Hkimo Finals 2024?

AQUINO, Regional Director, in the HKIMO Finals 2024 this coming August 23 - 26, 2024 that will be onsite in HONG KONG, or online.

Which country is best in the math olympiad?

The following nations have achieved an all-members-gold IMO with a full team:
China, 15 times: in 1992, 1993, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2019, 2021, 2022 and 2023.
United States, 4 times: in 1994, 2011, 2016, and 2019.
South Korea, 3 times: in 2012, 2017, and 2019.
More items...hong kong math olympiad

Posted by: coolday at 11:28 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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